Example configuration of the blob bundle:
defaults: &defaults
database_url: '<mysql-url>'
reporting_interval: "0 11 * * MON" # when notification cronjob should run
cleanup_interval: "*/5 * * * *" # when file cleanup of expired files should run
integrity_check_interval: "0 1 * * MON" # when file integrity check should run
bucket_size_check_interval: "0 6 * * MON" # when bucket size check cronjob should run
quota_warning_interval: "0 10 * * MON" # when bucket quota should be checked and if needed warning emails should be sent
file_integrity_checks: true # enable file integrity checks
additional_auth: true # enable client credential flow
- service: 'Dbp\Relay\BlobConnectorFilesystemBundle\Service\FilesystemService' # service implementation of the installed connector
internal_bucket_id: '4242' # internal Id of an bucket which is only used internally and stored in the db, should be a UUIDv7
bucket_id: 'Bucket Name' # human readable Id of an bucket which is used for requests
key: '<your-key>' # should be at least 256 bit (hex encoded)
quota: 500 # in MB
output_validation: true # if on file output the metadata should be validated or not
notify_when_quota_over: 70 # in percent of the quota
report_when_expiry_in: 'P30D' # in Days
bucket_owner: '<bucket-owner-email>'
link_expire_time: 'PT1M' # how long until link exipres
dsn: '<your-dsn>'
from: '<noreply-email>' # from whom the email gets sent
to: '<bucket-owner-email>' # who to notify
subject: 'Blob notify quota'
html_template: 'emails/warn-quota.html.twig'
dsn: '<your-dsn>'
from: '<noreply-email>'
to: '<bucket-owner-email>'
subject: 'Blob file deletion reporting'
html_template: 'emails/reporting.html.twig'
dsn: '<your-dsn>'
from: '<noreply-email>'
to: '<bucket-owner-email>'
subject: 'Blob File Integrity Check Report'
html_template: 'emails/integrity.html.twig'
dsn: '<your-dsn>'
from: '<noreply-email>'
to: '<bucket-owner-email>'
subject: 'Blob Bucket Size Check Warning'
html_template: 'emails/bucketsize.html.twig'
- test_type: '<path-to-your-json-schema>'
To generate a key you can use: openssl rand -hex 32