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Database Handling

At the moment there are no good general best practices for how to integrate database support into your bundle. Consider looking at one of the existing bundles that require a database for how to set things up.

General Rules

  • Each bundle should provide the possibility to use its own separate database.
  • Each bundle should support sharing a database with all other bundles.
  • All database tables need to be prefixed with the bundle unique name .e.g uniquename_tablename

Registering a Doctrine Entity Manager

Use registerEntityManager() to register your entity manager with the core bundle. This, among other things, will integrate your bundle with the global database migration command (dbp:relay:core:migrate).

// In *Extension.php, using the ExtensionTrait
public function prepend(ContainerBuilder $container)
    $this->registerEntityManager($container, 'dbp_relay_myname_bundle');
    // ...

Generating Migrations

Run the following command and replace the entity manager with the one for your bundle

./docker/console doctrine:migrations:diff --em=dbp_relay_mono_connector_payunity_bundle

It should create a migration under Migrations in your bundle. The migration will contain the required changes, but also changes from other bundles which you need to delete manually.

Also make sure to change the base class to the one wich supports filtering based on the entity manager.