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Signature Block Positioning

In addition to a signature profile and the actual PDF payload the signature endpoints also take positioning data which determines where the signature block will be placed on the PDF document.

If no positioning data is given it will default to append the signature block after the content, either on the last page, or if there isn't enough space on the last page then on a newly added page at the end.

The position units are in "points" using the PDF coordinate system which starts at the bottom left corner of each page. The point unit can be converted to e.g. cm via the DPI, for example "1cm ~ 28.3465pt".

  • p - The page number where the signature block should be placed, starting with 1. A page number larger than the actual page count will append a new page instead. Defaults to the last page, or a newly added page if there isn't enough space.
  • x - Position of the signature's top left corner in points, from the left of the page. Defaults to the signature block being centered horizontally.
  • y - Position of the signature's top left corner in points, from the bottom of the page. Defaults to right after the content on the selected page, or at the top if there is not enough free space.
  • w - Width of the signature block in points. Defaults to the default width specified in the backend. Note that making it too small might break the internal layout.
  • r - Absolute rotation of the signature block in degrees, counterclockwise. Defaults to 0.