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Error codes


relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
greenlight:current-person-not-found 403 Current person wasn't found.



relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
greenlight:additional-information-not-valid 400 The content of the additionalInformation attribute was not valid.
greenlight:additional-information-not-decoded 403 The content of the additionalInformation attribute could not be decoded.
greenlight:current-person-no-photo 503 Photo for current person could not be loaded!
greenlight:current-person-not-found 403 Current person wasn't found.
greenlight:consent-assurance-not-true 400 The content of the consentAssurance attribute was not true.
greenlight:permit-not-created 500 The permit could not be created. message ['message' => 'Error message']
greenlight:photo-service-error 500 The photo service had an error! message ['message' => 'Error message']



relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
greenlight:permit-not-found 404 Permit was not found.
greenlight:person-does-not-own-permit 403 Current person doesn't own this permit.


This bundle needs the role ROLE_SCOPE_GREENLIGHT assigned to the user to get permissions for the api.