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Currently in development

This bundle is currently in development, thus not everything may work as explained here.

The bundle provides GET endpoints for retrieving file metadata, file binary data and POST, DELETE endpoints for creating and deleting data.


Endpoint Method Description Required Url Parameters Optional Url Parameter Required body parameter (as formData) Optional body parameter (as formData)
/blob/files GET Used to GET a collection of files bucketIdentifier, creationTime, method, sig prefix, includeData, startsWith -
/blob/files/{identifier} GET Used to retrieve file metadata or file base64 encoded data of the file with {identifier}. bucketIdentifier, creationTime, method, sig includeData (was called binary below v0.1.14) -
/blob/files/{identifier}/download GET Used to retrieve binary file data of the file with {identifier} bucketIdentifier, creationTime, method, sig -
/blob/files POST Used to create a file bucketIdentifier, creationTime, prefix, method, sig notifyEmail, retentionDuration, type file, fileName, metadata, fileHash, metadataHash
/blob/files DELETE Used to DELETE the files with given prefix bucketIdentifier, creationTime, prefix, method, sig startsWith -
/blob/files/{identifier} DELETE Used to DELETE the file with given bucketIdentifier, creationTime, method, sig -
/blob/files/{identifier} PATCH Used to change the filename with given bucketIdentifier, creationTime, method, sig type, existsUntil, notifyEmail at least one of the optional body parameters file, fileName, metadata

In general, the parameters have to be given in the specified order while optional parameters can be selectively left out for the computation of the checksum. The only exception is the sig parameter, which always has to be the last parameter.


Parameter Description Type Possible values
bucketIdentifier ID of the bucket in which the file(s) are located. int all valid bucket IDs
creationTime Current time (UTC) in seconds int all valid integers
prefix prefix which the file(s) have string all valid prefixes
startsWith if set, the request operation will affect all prefixes starting with the given prefix int 1
method (was called action until v0.1.14) method that is used, e.g. GET to get files string GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH
sig signature string of the checksums ucs string all valid signature strings
fileName original filename of the file string all valid strings
fileHash the fileHash of the binary file string all valid hash strings
includeData (was called binary until v0.1.14) defines whether the base64 encoded binary data should be returned (=1) or a link to the binary data int 0 or 1
notifyEmail email address of a person that wants to be notified before deletion string all valid email addresses
retentionDuration defines the lifespan of the file int all non-negative int durations
metadata (was called additionalMetadata until v0.1.35) some additional metadata the uploader wants to add string / json all valid json strings
type (was called additionalType until v0.1.35) a type given to the metadata. If the type is also defined in the blob bundle config, then the metadata is also validated against the given schema. string all valid strings
existsUntil a timestamp in ISO 8601 that defines how long the resource should exist string datetime string
file the file to upload file


Key security

The key should be kept confidential and safe and should NOT be leaked into the frontend or the user! The key has to remain secret!

The signatures are JWTs created with the algorithm HS256 and are sent as a string. There is one signed item, a SHA-256 checksum ucs that was generated using the url, and it is needed in every request. Everything beginning from and including /blob has to be included when generating the url checksum ucs. POST and PATCH requests should only have multipart/formdata bodys. The signature then has to be appended at the end of the url using the sig parameter. The key used for signing and verifying the checksum has to be defined in the blob bucket config and the other backend system communicating with blob.

Signature url encoding

By default, blob verifies the url by generating the signature of the urlencoded url using RFC3986. This means that, among other things, space get converted to %20! This means that systems communicating with blob have to also generate their checksum this way. It is not possible to just urlencode the whole url, since this would mean that valid symbols like / or & would be encoded too. Therefore, it is necessary to urlenode each parameter value separately before appending them in the url.

Error codes and descriptions

Collection operations (by prefix) /blob/files


relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
blob:get-file-data-collection-missing-sig 400 The signature parameter sig is missing message
blob:get-file-data-collection-missing-bucket-id 400 The bucket id parameter bucketIdentifier is missing message
blob:get-file-data-collection-missing-creation-time 400 The creation time parameter creationTime is missing message
blob:get-file-data-collection-missing-method 400 The method/action parameter method is missing message
blob:get-file-data-collection-bucket-id-not-configured 400 Bucket with given bucketIdentifier is not configured message ['message' => 'Signature cannot checked']
blob:get-file-data-collection-no-bucket-service 400 BucketService is not configured message ['message' => 'Signature cannot checked']
blob:check-signature-missing-sig 400 The signature in parameter sig is missing message
blob:check-signature-missing-signature-params 400 One or multiple of the required url parameters are missing message
blob:check-signature-creation-time-too-old 403 The parameter creationTime is too old, therefore the request timed out and a new request has to be created, signed and sent message
blob:check-signature-method-not-suitable 405 The method used is not compatible with the method/action specified in the url message


relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
blob:create-file-data-missing-sig 400 The signature parameter sig is missing message ['message' => 'Signature cannot checked']
blob:create-file-data-unset-params 400 One or multiple of the required url parameters are missing message
blob:create-file-data-data-upload-failed 400 Data upload failed. message
blob:create-file-data-no-bucket-service 400 BucketService is not configured. message
blob:create-file-data-missing-file 400 No file with parameter key "file" was received! message
blob:create-file-data-upload-error 400 File upload pload went wrong. message
blob:create-file-data-empty-files-not-allowed 400 Empty files cannot be added! message
blob:create-file-data-not-configured-bucket-id 400 BucketIdentifier is not configured message
blob:create-file-data-bad-metadata 400 The parameter metadata is not a valid json
blob:create-file-data-file-too-big 400 The attached file is too big for the webserver to accept
blob:create-file-data-prefix-missing 400 The required parameter prefix is missing
blob:create-file-data-file-name-missing 400 The required parameter fileName is missing
blob:create-file-data-bad-type 400 The given type is not configured in the api
blob:create-file-data-type-mismatch 400 The given metadata does not match the schema configured for the given type
blob:create-file-data-metadata-hash-change-forbidden 400 The given metadataHash does not match the calculated hash of the metadata. It either corrupted in transport, or a wrong hash was given
blob:create-file-data-file-hash-change-forbidden 403 The parameter fileHash does not match with the hash of the uploaded file message
blob:create-file-data-creation-time-too-old 403 The parameter creationTime is too old, therefore the request timed out and a new request has to be created, signed and sent message
blob:signature-invalid 403 The signature is invalid, e.g. by using a wrong key message ['message' => 'Signature cannot checked']
blob:checksum-invalid 403 The checksum sent in the signature is invalid, e.g. by changing some params, using the wrong hash algorithm or forgetting some characters message
blob:create-file-data-method-not-suitable 405 The method used is not compatible with the method/action specified in the url message
blob:blob-service-invalid-json 422 The Metadata doesn't contain valid json! message
blob:file-not-saved 500 File could not be saved! message
blob:create-file-data-save-file-failed 500 File data could not be saved.
blob:create-file-data-bucket-quota-reached 507 Bucket quota is reached. message


relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
blob:delete-file-data-by-prefix-missing-sig 400 The signature in parameter sig is missing message
blob:delete-file-data-by-prefix-missing-bucket-id 400 The parameter bucketIdentifier is missing
blob:delete-file-data-by-prefix-missing-creation-time 400 The parameter creationTime is missing
blob:delete-file-data-by-prefix-missing-method 400 The parameter method is missing message ['message' => 'Signature cannot checked']
blob:delete-file-data-by-prefix-bucket-id-not-configured 400 Bucket is not configured message ['message' => 'Signature cannot checked']
blob:delete-file-data-by-prefix-no-bucket-service 400 BucketService is not configured message ['message' => 'Signature cannot checked']
blob:delete-file-data-by-prefix-creation-time-too-old 403 The parameter creationTime is too old, therefore the request timed out and a new request has to be created, signed and sent message
blob:signature-invalid 403 The signature is invalid, e.g. by using a wrong key message ['message' => 'Signature cannot checked']
blob:checksum-invalid 403 The checksum sent in the signature is invalid, e.g. by changing some params, using the wrong hash algorithm or forgetting some characters message
blob:file-data-not-found 404 No data was found for the specified bucketIdentifier and prefix combination message
blob:delete-file-data-by-prefix-method-not-suitable 405 The method used is not compatible with the method/action specified in the url message

Item operations (by identifier) /blob/files/{identifier}


relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-sig 400 The signature in parameter sig is missing message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-bucket-id 400 The parameter bucketIdentifier is missing message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-method 400 The parameter method is missing
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-creation-time 400 The parameter creationTime is missing
blob:get-file-data-by-id-bucket-id-not-configured 400 The bucket with given bucketIdentifier is not configured message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-no-bucket-service 400 The requested bucketService is not configured
blob:check-signature-missing-sig 400 The signature in parameter sig is missing message
blob:check-signature-missing-signature-params 400 One or multiple of the required url parameters are missing message
blob:check-signature-creation-time-too-old 403 The parameter creationTime is too old, therefore the request timed out and a new request has to be created, signed and sent message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-creation-time-too-old 403 The parameter creationTime is too old, therefore the request timed out and a new request has to be created, signed and sent message
blob:file-data-not-found 404 No FileData for the given identifier was not found! message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-method-not-suitable 405 The method used is not compatible with the method/action specified in the url message
blob:check-signature-method-not-suitable 405 The method used is not compatible with the method/action specified in the url message


relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-sig 400 The signature in parameter sig is missing message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-bucket-id 400 The parameter bucketIdentifier is missing message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-method 400 The parameter method is missing
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-creation-time 400 The parameter creationTime is missing
blob:get-file-data-by-id-bucket-id-not-configured 400 The bucket with given bucketIdentifier is not configured message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-no-bucket-service 400 The requested bucketService is not configured
blob:check-signature-missing-sig 400 The signature in parameter sig is missing message
blob:check-signature-missing-signature-params 400 One or multiple of the required url parameters are missing message
blob:patch-file-data-missing 400 At least one parameter has to be provided message
blob:patch-file-data-bad-type 400 The given type is not defined in the config
blob:patch-file-data-bad-metadata 400 The given metadata is no valid JSON
blob:patch-file-data-type-mismatch 400 The given metadata does not match the JSON schema defined in type
blob:patch-file-data-exists-until-bad-format 400 The given existsUntil is not a valid DateTime format!
blob:check-signature-creation-time-too-old 403 The parameter creationTime is too old, therefore the request timed out and a new request has to be created, signed and sent message
blob:patch-file-data-metadata-hash-change-forbidden 403 The given metadataHash does not match the calculated hash of the file
blob:patch-file-data-file-hash-change-forbidden 403 The given fileHash does not match the calculated hash of the file
blob:get-file-data-by-id-creation-time-too-old 403 The parameter creationTime is too old, therefore the request timed out and a new request has to be created, signed and sent message
blob:file-data-not-found 404 No FileData for the given identifier was not found! message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-method-not-suitable 405 The method used is not compatible with the method/action specified in the url message
blob:check-signature-method-not-suitable 405 The method used is not compatible with the method/action specified in the url message
blob:file-not-saved 500 File could not be saved! message
blob:patch-file-data-bucket-quota-reached 507 Bucket quota is reached.


relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-sig 400 The signature in parameter sig is missing message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-bucket-id 400 The parameter bucketIdentifier is missing message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-method 400 The parameter method is missing
blob:get-file-data-by-id-missing-creation-time 400 The parameter creationTime is missing
blob:get-file-data-by-id-bucket-id-not-configured 400 The bucket with given bucketIdentifier is not configured message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-no-bucket-service 400 The requested bucketService is not configured
blob:check-signature-missing-sig 400 The signature in parameter sig is missing message
blob:check-signature-missing-signature-params 400 One or multiple of the required url parameters are missing message
blob:check-signature-creation-time-too-old 403 The parameter creationTime is too old, therefore the request timed out and a new request has to be created, signed and sent message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-creation-time-too-old 403 The parameter creationTime is too old, therefore the request timed out and a new request has to be created, signed and sent message
blob:file-data-not-found 404 No FileData for the given identifier was not found! message
blob:get-file-data-by-id-method-not-suitable 405 The method used is not compatible with the method/action specified in the url message
blob:check-signature-method-not-suitable 405 The method used is not compatible with the method/action specified in the url message

Download operation /blob/files/{identifier}/download


relay:errorId Status code Description relay:errorDetails Example
blob:download-file-by-id-missing-identifier 400 The identifier {identifier} is missing message
blob:download-file-by-id-missing-bucket-id 400 The bucket id parameter bucketIdentifier is missing message
blob:download-file-by-id-missing-method 400 The prefix parameter prefix is missing message
blob:download-file-by-id-missing-creation-time 400 The creation time parameter creationTime is missing message
blob:download-file-by-id-bucket-id-not-configured 400 The bucket with given bucketIdentifier is not configured message
blob:download-file-by-id-invalid-method 400 The action/method combination is not valid message
blob:download-file-by-id-missing-sig 400 The signature parameter sig is missing message
blob:download-file-by-id-creation-time-too-old 403 The creation time parameter creationTime is too old message
blob:checksum-invalid 403 The checksum ucs inside the signature is not valid message
blob:signature-invalid 403 The signature in parameter sig is invalid message