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Sequence Diagrams

Storing and retrieving files from a blob storage service requires some well defined steps.

Store a file

On page ABC the user want to store a file in the context of the page.

sequenceDiagram autonumber title: Page ABC Browser->>Application: I want to "store a file" note over Application: Check permissions note over Application: set path to App/ABC Application->>Browser: Signed "store a file under path App/ABC" Browser-->>API-Gateway: Give me a link for signed "store a file under path App/ABC" note over API-Gateway: Check signature API-Gateway-->>Storage Service: store file for prefix App/ABC note over Storage Service: Generate share link Storage Service-->>API-Gateway: Share link API-Gateway-->>Browser: Share link note over Browser: display share link(s)

Retrieve all files

On page DEF the user wants to get a list of all files in the context of this page.

sequenceDiagram autonumber title: Page DEF Browser->>Application: I want to display links note over Application: Check permission note over Application: set path to App/DEF Application->>Browser: Signed "get file(s) under path App/DEF" Browser-->>API-Gateway: Give me links for signed "get file(s) under path App/DEF" note over API-Gateway: Check signature API-Gateway-->>Storage Service: Get links for prefix App/DEF note over Storage Service: Generate share link(s) Storage Service-->>API-Gateway: Share link(s) API-Gateway-->>Browser: Share link(s) note over Browser: display share link(s)