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Getting Started

Here we want to show you how to run an example API server on your machine, so you know which technologies are involved and get a better feeling of how things are connected.

The overall architecture of the server framework consists of a Symfony application and various Symfony bundles. The bundles each provide their own REST API to the user and talk with zero or more backend system. The API server exposes the sum of all API endpoints provided by the active bundles to the user and handles authorization via OAuth2.

graph LR style client fill:#606096,color:#fff style backend_a fill:#46A046,color:#fff style backend_b fill:#C1665A,color:#fff backend_a("Backend A") backend_b("Backend B") client("Client") oidc("OAuth2/OIDC Server") subgraph API Server symfony("Symfony App") bundle_a("Bundle A") bundle_b("Bundle B") end client --> symfony client --> oidc symfony --> oidc symfony --> bundle_a symfony --> bundle_b bundle_a --> backend_a bundle_b --> backend_b bundle_b --> backend_a

To get you up and running fast we provide two PHP packages that you can use as a starting point:


Note: This is only tested on Linux so far, but any operating system supporting docker and docker-compose should work.

  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • git

Optional (In case you want to work outside of docker):

  • php8.1+
  • php extensions, see the Dockerfile for a list
  • composer 2.x

Setup API server

Note: If you don't have bash you can execute the commands in the shell scripts (*.sh) manually.

composer create-project dbp/relay-server-template my-api
cd my-api
cd docker-dev
./          # to build the required docker images
./            # to get a shell in the main docker container
composer install    # to install the php dependencies inside the container
exit                # to exit the docker container
docker-compose up   # to start the server

Now visit http://localhost:8000 to see the server API description interface, which should look something like this:


Any code changes will be immediately visible on the next request.

In some cases some of the above steps need to be repeated:

  • composer install to clear caches, or to install new dependencies
  • ./ in case the Dockerfile has changed

Next steps

Now you have a working Symfony application. Some potential next steps are:

  • Convert your app to a git repository to easily track changes
  • Install existing feature bundles to expose new API and configure them
  • Create your own feature bundle, see Creating a New Bundle
  • Deploy your application, see Running in Production

Docker-Compose Extra Services

The api server can use Redis as well as MariaDB for locking and for message queuing. The docker-compose.yml includes an instance of Redis-Commander to monitor the service which you can reach at It also includes an instance of phpMyAdmin which can reach at