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DateTime/Duration Handling in the API, PHP and Config


  • Persist datetimes as UTC, either with timezone, or without and assume UTC when storing/reading it back.
  • Behavior should be independent of the server timezone. For example the API responses should always be UTC.
  • When taking datetimes from external systems always ensure that it has a timezone (either fail when it is missing, make the timezone configurable, or set a fixed timezone if it is documented)
  • Use DateTimeImmutable and DateTimeInterface over DateTime. All operations on DateTimeImmutable create a new instance, which makes mutating objects you don't own impossible.
  • Set the timezone of the API as soon as possible, and do not switch between different timezones as this could lead to issues.

Open Questions:

  • How to handle date times passed from the API clients?
  • Timezone missing? Assume one or fail?
  • Incomplete datetime?
  • Which formats are supported?

How-To UTC in PHP

Create DateTimeImmutable for the current time with a UTC Timezone:

$datetime = new \DateTimeImmutable('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));

Create DateTimeImmutable for a timestamp with a UTC Timezone:

$datetime = new \DateTimeImmutable('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$datetime = $datetime->setTimestamp(1666181371);

Convert a DateTimeImmutable to an ISO date time string:

$datetime = new \DateTimeImmutable('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$string = $datetime->format(DateTime::ATOM);

Interpret a date time string without a timezone as UTC:

$datetime = new \DateTimeImmutable('2022-10-20T08:28:49', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));

Convert a DateTimeImmutable with a non-UTC timezone to UTC:

$datetime = new \DateTimeImmutable('2022-10-20T08:28:49+02:00');
$datetime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));


Use ISO durations in the config as well as in the API for durations.

If possible use a start and/or end DateTime in the API response, so the client doesn't have to deal with durations.

Otherwise use ISO 8601 durations, in the bundle config, API and PHP:

new \DateInterval('P1Y');
new \DateInterval('PT60S');

Note that the PHP implementation is limited and doesn't allow decimal numbers or no negative numbers, so we can't support them either.