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Naming Conventions

The API framework is split into multiple modules/packages/bundles which contains things that need to be named, like bundle names, package names, namespaces etc. To keep the naming of all these parts consistent we have worked out a set of naming rules. If you extend the API framework with your own bundle/package it's recommended to follow these rules if possible.


These four names are the source for everything else and need to be decided on first. Ideally they are short, unique enough, and self describing :)


The organization that created the package, one or more words.

Example: dbp, uni-graz, mffs

In our case this is always dbp


The name of the project managed by vendor, one or more words.

In our case this is always relay


The name of the bundle, one or more words. Needs to be unique, so care has to be taken to avoid conflicts with other developers creating similar bundles.

Example: check-in

In case of of a connector bundle the unique name follows the following format: <feature-bundle>-connector-<external-system-name>, for example greenlight-connector-campusonline. All other rules apply the same as with every other unique name.


A friendly version of UniqueName meant for displaying to the user or for grouping and not in an API, can contain spaces and can be a bit longer.

Example: Location Check In

Letter Casing Variants

  • Source: check in, API request
  • PascalCase: CheckIn, ApiRequest (Note that API -> Api)
  • KebapCase: check-in, api-request
  • SnakeCase: check_in, api_request

Bundle Naming

Composer Package Names

  • Schema: <Vendor, KebapCase>/<Category, KebapCase>-<UniqueName, KebapCase>-bundle
  • Example: dbp/relay-check-in-bundle
  • Usage: In the composer.json file. Also specifies the target directory when installing the package.

PHP Namespaces

  • Schema: <Vendor, PascalCase>\<Category, PascalCase>\<UniqueName, PascalCase>Bundle
  • Example: Dbp\Relay\CheckInBundle
  • Usage: In all included PHP files. Adds namespacing to all classes.

Symfony Bundle Names

  • Schema: <Vendor, PascalCase><Category, PascalCase><UniqueName, PascalCase>Bundle
  • Example: DbpRelayCheckInBundle
  • Resulting configuration key: dbp_relay_check_in
  • Usage: Identifies the bundle in Symfony. Gets used as the source for the configuration key by converting it to SnakeCase after stripping the Bundle suffix by Symfony.

API-Platform Resource Naming

Entity Names / PHP Class Names

  • Schema: <*, PascalCase>
  • Examples: Person, Book, Room, CheckInAction
  • Usage: As the PHP class name. As the PHP file name containing the class (Book.php). As source for the short name, referenced as EntityName.

API-Platform Short Names

  • Schema: <UniqueName, PascalCase><EntityName, PascalCase>
  • Example: CheckInPerson (UniqueName=CheckIn, EntityName=Person)
  • Usage: As section headers in the API docs and user for sorting there. Used as key for looking up API resource paths in the frontend.

Base Bundle Exception: In case UniqueName starts with Base then UniqueName = Base in this case.

Resource Paths

  • Schema: /<UniqueName, KebapCase>/<EntityName, KebapCase, Pluralized>
  • Example: /check-in/rooms (UniqueName=CheckIn, EntityName=Room)
  • Usage: Path prefix for all resource operations

Base Bundle Exception: In case UniqueName starts with Base then UniqueName = Base in this case. IRIs

  • Schema: See
  • Usage: Contained in the JSON-LD responses.

Serialization Groups


  • Schema: <UniqueName, PascalCase><EntityName, PascalCase>:<SerializationKey, KebapCase>
  • Example: CheckInPerson:output
  • Usage: in normalization_context and denormalization_context

The extra namespacing is needed since Entities can be embedded and we want to avoid inheriting serialization groups from the embedding entities.

Base Bundle Exception: In case UniqueName starts with Base then UniqueName = Base in this case.

Open API Tags

  • Schema: <FriendlyName>
  • Example: Location Check In
  • Usage: for grouping the endpoints in the API documentation

GIT Repository Naming

In case the vendor is in some form already included the URL path ( then:

  • Schema: <Category, KebapCase>-<UniqueName, KebapCase>-bundle
  • Naming: relay-check-in-bundle


  • Schema: <Vendor, KebapCase>-<Category, KebapCase>-<UniqueName, KebapCase>-bundle
  • Naming: dbp-relay-check-in-bundle

Database Table Prefix

In case multiple bundles want to use the same DB we want to avoid any conflicts.

  • Schema: <UniqueName, SnakeCase>_<*, SnakeCase>
  • Naming: check_in_things, greenlight_permits, formalize_submissions

Note, we share the namespace with Symonfy, which already defines things like lock_keys, messenger_messages and doctrine_migration_versions.

Error Codes Prefix

This is used in ApiError::withDetails(), for example: ApiError::withDetails(Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'Not Found', 'greenlight:permit-not-found')

  • Schema: <UniqueName, KebapCase>:<*, KebapCase>
  • Naming: greenlight:permit-not-found, check-in:some-special-error

Symfony Command Naming

  • Schema:
    • <Vendor, KebapCase>:<Category, KebapCase>:<UniqueName, KebapCase>:<Command, KebapCase>
    • <Vendor, KebapCase>:<Category, KebapCase>:<UniqueName, KebapCase>:<CommandTopic, KebapCase>:<Command, KebapCase>
  • Example:
    • dbp:relay:core:test
    • dbp:relay:core:queue:work
  • Usage: Shown when running ./bin/console`

Symfony Service Tags Naming

  • Schema:
    • <Vendor, SnakeCase>.<Category, SnakeCase>.<BundleName, SnakeCase>.<ServiceTagName, SnakeCase>

ServiceTagName is freely selectable

  • Example:

    • Service tag name: dbp.relay.core.cron_job, dbp.relay.core.health_check
  • Usage: when tagging Symfony services

Monolog Channel Names

  • Schema:
    • <Vendor, SnakeCase>_<Category, SnakeCase>_<BundleName, SnakeCase>_<ChannelName, SnakeCase>

ChannelName is freely selectable, e.g. audit

  • Example: dbp_relay_mono_audit

  • Usage: when creating new monolog logging channels in Symfony

Open Questions

  • We use API -> Api for PascalCase because Symfony derives the config key from it, and we want it to be api_ and not a_p_i_. We could define an alternative PascalCase where API -> API for everything except the bundle name.

Generate DBP Symfony bundle

If you want to create a DBP Symfony bundle in the root directory of the server you can call:

./bin/console dbp:relay:maker:make:bundle --unique-name=greenlight --friendly-name="Electronic Covid Access Permits" --example-entity=Permit

If you also want to set the "vendor" and "category" you can use two more parameters:

./bin/console dbp:relay:maker:make:bundle --vendor=myvendor --category=mycategory --unique-name=greenlight --friendly-name="Electronic Covid Access Permits" --example-entity=Permit