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An activity is a special web component that is self contained, can be embedded in another page and follows some simple rules, like it registers a fixed HTML tag for itself.

The metadata file can be used to show information about the activity without having to load the Javascript file providing it.


  "element": "dbp-official-signature-pdf-upload",
  "module_src": "dbp-official-signature-pdf-upload.js",
  "routing_name": "official-pdf-upload",
  "name": {
    "de": "Dokumente amtssignieren",
    "en": "Officially sign"
  "short_name": {
    "de": "Dokumente amtssignieren",
    "en": "Officially sign"
  "description": {
    "de": "Erlaubt das Hochladen von PDF-Dokumenten, um sie mit einer Amtssignatur zu versehen",
    "en": "Allows upload of PDF-documents to officially sign them"
  • element: The HTML tag name that this activity is registered under
  • module_src: The javascript file to load for element to be available
  • routing_name: An URL-safe value used for routing. Should be unique.
  • name: The name of the activity.
  • short_name: The short name of a activity, used in places where limited space is a concern.
  • description: Description of the activity.