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Theming and individualizing your application

Basic Knowledge: CSS, HTML

Recommended Knowledge: GIMP, InkScape (or similar)

You can adapt the fonts, the colors, and some parts in the form of slots. Moreover, you can also change favicons and browser specific items (Favicons, Search Engine and more).

DBP also supports multiple themes. To create multiple themes look in the readme of the theme-switcher web component.


You can apply a font by adding the font-family to the html or body in a css <style> tag.

If you want to apply multiple fonts for multiple themes then add the font-family property to the appropriate css class.

Self-hosted fonts

You can host your fonts locally and import them in the <style> tag of the index.html. Then you can apply it to the style with adding the font-family to body, html or a specific theme.

For example:

    @import "<%= getPrivateUrl('fonts/nunito-sans/300.css') %>";
    @import "<%= getPrivateUrl('fonts/nunito-sans/300-italic.css') %>";
    @import "<%= getPrivateUrl('fonts/nunito-sans/700.css') %>";
    @import "<%= getPrivateUrl('fonts/nunito-sans/700-italic.css') %>";

    body {
        font-family: 'Nunito Sans', 'Calibri', 'Arial', 'sans-serif';
        line-height: 1.4em;
        font-weight: 400;

External Fonts

You can also import external fonts, e.g. Google fonts, by adding the import statement in the <head> tag of ìndex.html an embedding the font in the font-family css part, as described above. (Take care and eventual update your data protection site)

For example:

    <link rel="preconnect" href="">
    <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

        html {
            font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  • If this doesn't work out of the box, check the CSP settings in the .htaccess.

Font weights

We use the css property font-weight with the relative weight values lighter and bolder. So be carefully with the initial font weight. Take a look at this documentation about relative font weight at

Color System

To make the colors as customizable as possible, there is a dbp color system.

You can override the default colors for customize your app. For universities, these colors should have a contrast level of at least AA in contrast to the base color. You can read more about the minimal contrast level in Accessibility.

All colors without a postfix need to work on top of the "base" color. All others need to work on top of their respective surface colors.

The default oft these colors would be always the dbp colors.

Color Variables:

* Name Variable Usage Recommendation Default
Background --dbp-override-background Background color A neutral light or dark color #ffffff
Content --dbp-override-content Used as the text color or any element on the --dbp-override-background, except surfaces Black or white, depending on the base, WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA #222120
Content surface --dbp-override-content-surface Used flat surfaces in front of the background, e.g. modal overlay Black/white, No WCAG Level needed. --dbp-override-content
On content surface --dbp-override-on-content-surface The color for all elements above the content surface White/black, WCAG Level to --dbp-override-content should be AA --dbp-override-background
Border --dbp-override-border Applies a border to elements, like buttons, boxes, links, modals, boxes, separation lines You can set here the border-width, border-style and border-color. A WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background of AA is recommended 1px solid #222120
Border radius --dbp-override-border-radius Applies a border radius to element which can have a border, like buttons, boxes, notifications, modal ... 0px
Primary --dbp-override-primary Used for elements in primary color on the --dbp-override-background WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA #3775c1
Primary surface --dbp-override-primary-surface Is used for surface in the primary color, like buttons that are responsible for the flow of the UI No WCAG Level needed. --dbp-override-primary
On primary surface --dbp-override-on-primary-surface Is used for elements above a primary surfaces, like text in primary buttons WCAG Level to --dbp-override-primary-surface should be AA --dbp-override-on-content-surface
Primary surface border color --dbp-override-primary-surface-border-color Is used for primary buttons border color Set this var only if you want another color for the border --dbp-override-primary
Secondary --dbp-override-secondary Used for elements in secondary color on the --dbp-override-background WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA #222120
Secondary surface --dbp-override-secondary-surface Is used for surfaces in the secondary color, for additional buttons, functions, navigation options No WCAG Level needed. --dbp-override-secondary
On secondary surface --dbp-override-on-secondary-surface Is used for elements above a secondary surfaces, like text in secondary buttons WCAG Level to --dbp-override-primary-surface should be AA --dbp-override-on-content-surface
Secondary surface border color --dbp-override-secondary-surface-border-color Is used for secondary buttons as border color Set this var only if you want another color for the border --dbp-override-secondary
Muted --dbp-override-muted Muted text, or separation items on the --dbp-override-background Neutral gray, WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA #767676
Muted surface --dbp-override-muted-surface Neutral flat surfaces Neutral gray, WCAG Level to --dbp-override-base should be AA --dbp-override-muted
On muted surface --dbp-override-on-muted-surface Elements on muted surfaces white, WCAG Level to --dbp-override-muted-surface should be AA --dbp-override-on-content-surface
Muted surface border color --dbp-override-muted-surface-border-color Is used for border color at muted surfaces Set this var only if you want another color for the border of the surface --dbp-override-muted
Accent --dbp-override-accent Used in the menu, for active elements, focus effect or for some icons, anything which should have an accent on the --dbp-override-background. Should a color with a recognition value for the university. WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA #9e1e4d
Accent surface --dbp-override-accent-surface Used when the accent color is needed as an surface Should a color with a recognition value for the university. No WCAG Level needed. --dbp-override-accent
On accent surface --dbp-override-on-accent-surface Used on accent surfaces WCAG Level to --dbp-override-accent should be AA --dbp-override-on-content-surface
Accent surface border color --dbp-override-accent-surface-border-color Is used for border color at accent surfaces Set this var only if you want another color for the border of the surface --dbp-override-accent
Info --dbp-override-info Used for informational elements, like text, hints, on the --dbp-override-background Blue, violett WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA #38808a
Info surface --dbp-override-info-surface Used when the informational color is needed as an surface, like hints, info boxes, info notifications Blue, violett, No WCAG Level needed. --dbp-override-info
On info surface --dbp-override-on-info-surface Used on info surfaces WCAG Level to --dbp-override-info should be AA --dbp-override-on-content-surface
Info surface border color --dbp-override-info-surface-border-color Is used for border color at info surfaces Set this var only if you want another color for the border of the surface --dbp-override-info
Success --dbp-override-success Used for success elements, like text, on the --dbp-override-background Green, WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA #338555
Success surface --dbp-override-success-surface Used when the success color is needed as an surface, like success boxes, success notifications Green, No WCAG Level needed. --dbp-override-success
On success surface --dbp-override-on-success-surface Used on success surfaces WCAG Level to --dbp-override-success should be AA --dbp-override-on-content-surface
Success surface border color --dbp-override-success-surface-border-color Is used for border color at success surfaces Set this var only if you want another color for the border of the surface --dbp-override-success
Warning --dbp-override-warning Used for warning elements, like text, on the --dbp-override-background Yellow/orange/brown, WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA #bf8808
Warning surface --dbp-override-warning-surface Used when the warning color is needed as an surface, like warning boxes, warning notifications Yellow/orange/brown, No WCAG Level needed. --dbp-override-warning
On warning surface --dbp-override-on-warning-surface Used on warning surfaces WCAG Level to --dbp-override-warning should be AA --dbp-override-on-content-surface
Warning surface border color --dbp-override-warning-surface-border-color Is used for border color at warning surfaces Set this var only if you want another color for the border of the surface --dbp-override-warning
Danger --dbp-override-danger Used for danger elements, like text, error messages, incorrect feedback, on the --dbp-override-background Orange/Red/Pink, WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA #cc3232
Danger surface --dbp-override-danger-surface Used when the danger color is needed as an surface, like danger boxes, danger notifications, error messages or incorrect feedback Orange/Red/Pink, No WCAG Level needed. --dbp-override-danger
On danger surface --dbp-override-on-danger-surface Used on danger surfaces WCAG Level to --dbp-override-danger should be AA --dbp-override-on-content-surface
Danger surface border color --dbp-override-danger-surface-border-color Is used for border color at danger surfaces Set this var only if you want another color for the border of the surface --dbp-override-danger
Hover Background Color --dbp-override-hover-background-color Used for hover effects. If this var is set, all buttons, navigation elements and links have this color as background on hover. If --dbp-override-hover-color is set, the WCAG Level to --dbp-override-hover-color should be AA, else WCAG Level to --dbp-override-content should be AA not set
Hover color --dbp-override-hover-color Used for hover effects. If this var is set, all buttons, navigation elements and links have this color on hover. If --dbp-override-hover-background-color is set, the WCAG Level to --dbp-override-hover-background-color should be AA, else WCAG Level to --dbp-override-background should be AA not set

* These attributes are required, if you have more than one theme or a dark theme.

Note: Default colors will be used in case of undeclared variables. Colors don't have to be different in all cases, for example the primary color can be the same as the accent color.

Adapting the colors

You can override a css variable inside a selector by take the variable and assign it to a new value.

.any-selector {
    --dbp-override-background: green;

You can change the color-system in two ways: with multiple themes or only within one theme. If you only want to use one theme you can override the variables in css inside the html selector.

html {
    --dbp-override-background: black;
If you want to override variables in multiple themes read the readme of the theme-switcher web component.

Usage of these colors

In some cases you may have to use these variables (e.g. slot css). You can use these variables in css by surrounding them with a var() function.


.any-selector {
    background-color: var(--dbp-override-background);

Further information about CSS variables in general can be found at


In digital blueprint frontends you can also change icons. (E.g. if you have your own icon set or want to change specific icons).

The icon override work similar to the color override - with css variables. To override an icon you have to write in a css selector the prefix --dbp-override-icon- + the icon name. You can find the icon name of a specific icon with the site-inspector, e.g. from mozilla firefox or the chrome DevTools. You can also take a look at the icon vendor in the toolkit repository.

Now you can override any icon with that css variable. Simply pass the new icon with its relative path to the css variable with url().


.html {
    --dbp-override-icon-iconname: url("pathto/newicon.svg");

The new icon should be type of svg.

Further information about CSS variables in general can be found at

You can change these icons for all themes or only for one theme. If you want to override variables in multiple themes read the readme of the theme-switcher web component.

Overriding default translations

Currently in development

This feature is currently in development, thus not everything may work as explained here. Translation overrides are not yet supported in the main versions of the apps!

You can override the default translations provided by us in your application at spots that subscribe to the lang-dir attribute. To override the default translations, a few things have to be done.

  • The spot where you want to insert your translation has to support overrides. Thus, it has to subscribe to the lang-dir attribute. This should be the case for most components.
  • You have to know which key you want to override. To see the translation keys, you can use the frontend debug mode. This is done by appending #debug at the end of the webpage and reloading the page. Then all text that uses translation keys gets replaced by the translation key.
  • You need to write a translation file with your override translations. This is done in json format. Since i18next is used as a translation engine, please have a look at the i18n json documation. You will have to provide a translation.json file for each language you want to translate your page into.
  • The translation file has to be located in a defined directory. By default, the translation directory is in assets/translations/. Each language needs its own directory with only one file inside which has to be named translation.json. Thus, if you want a german and a english translation, you will need the files assets/translations/de/translation.json and assets/translations/en/translation.json. Currently, only english and german are supported.
  • Translation override files containing all keys and all default translations are already present in the given location. You can simply change the given translations and insert your translations.

If you want to add new translations and extend the webpage, please have a look at the translation developer guide.


Consider the following scenario:

You want to replace the text in a save button. By default, the button shows the text Save but you want to change it to Submit. The website in debug mode shows you the key This means that the button text is provided by the activity object namespace dbp-create-3g-ticket which contains the key save-btn. An example override translation file (for english) could look something like this:

  "dbp-create-3g-ticket": {
    "save-btn": "Save",
To change the translation, you just need to change the value associated with the key.
  "dbp-create-3g-ticket": {
    "save-btn": "Submit",

Customizing the application with slots

You can use various slots to customize your application. You can place your custom assets like images or customized texts inside of slots to adapt the appearance of the application as you want.

App shell slots

App shell Slots
Fig. 1: App shell slots visualization
App shell Slots mobile
Fig. 2: App shell slots mobile visualization

You can adapt the name, title, logo or exchange the whole header, the footer-links or exchange the whole footer. [Fig. 1] [Fig. 2] The nearer description can be found in the documentation of the app shell.

You should place these slots in the <template id= "global-override"> tag of your index.html.

For example, you can override the name in the top left corner, and the logo shown in the top right corner:

<template id="global-override">
    <template id="dbp-greenlight">
        <div slot="name">
            MyUni<br />
            <dbp-translated subscribe="lang">
                <div slot="de">
                    Meine Universität
                <div slot="en">
                    My University
        <div slot="logo">
            <img style="height: 80px" src="path/to/logo.svg" alt="My university logo">

App specific Slots

Often there are app-specific slots or rather, activity-specific slots. These slots are often used for text customization. In the activity description, in the src folder of the application you can read which slots are available.

You should place these slots in the <template id= "global-override"> tag of your index.html.

For example:

<template id="global-override">
    <dbp-acquire-3g-ticket lang="de">
        <template slot="description">
            <dbp-translated subscribe="lang">
                <div slot="de">
                    Erstellt ein Ticket für den Zugang zu Räumlichkeiten der TU Graz.
                <div slot="en">
                    Creates a ticket for access to premise of TU Graz.

Favicons, Search Engine and more


Replace favicons & PWA icon

If you want to change the favicons and PWA icons you have to simply replace the content of their files. We have generated all favicons or app icon sizes for supported browsers. To change the favicons you have to replace the files in images directory. Don't rename them! They should have the same name and the same size as the default files. You can use the free & open source Image editor GIMP for resizing and exporting your favicon.

How to resize your logo with GIMP
  1. Open you logo as svg with 300dpi and a large resolution in GIMP.
  2. Clip your layer to the logo: layer -> Clip to content
  3. Crop the image to the layer: ìmage -> fit canvas to layer
  4. Change canvas size to a square: image -> canvassize -> change the canvas size to a square, add a small padding and click center and change size
  5. Scale the image to the recommended size: image -> scale image choose the size you want
  6. Export the image with the correct name file -> export to select standards and export it
  7. Replace the old favicon file with your favicon file

Use the dbp favicon and app-icon with your brand colors

If you don't want to create an own PWA icon or an own favicon, we provided the possibility to simple change the colors of the digital blueprint favicon/app icon to your brand colors. For that you have to edit the whitelabel app icon (which you need) and the whitelabel favicon. You can find the im the dbp Corporate Identity gitlab repository. You can use the free & open source vector based image editor InkScape for editing your icons.

How to change the colors of the icon

The following steps has to be done for the whitelabel favicon and the whitelabel app icon. You can read here which resolutions and formats are used by the two files.

  1. Open the needed svg whitelabel icon file in InkScape
  2. Double-click on the first square, then a line in the middle of the square should appear: the gradient line
  3. Right-click on the square and open the window "fill and outline", now you can see the gradient with two colors
  4. In the window(fill and outline -> fill) you can choose one point on the gradient by clicking on it. then you can change the color of it. Make your color changes in the first square
  5. Repeat these steps for the other squares
  6. Save the file

For creating the right resolution take a look at the section How to resize your logo with GIMP above.


You also can change the name and description of each application to change the preview of it on some browsers or devices.(e.g. google preview and search engine, mobile preview, PWA's)

In the index.html:

  • Adapt the <meta property="og:site_name" content=""> with your site title in the content attribute.
  • Adapt the <meta property="og:url" content="" />with your site url in the content attribute.
  • Adapt the <meta title="">, <meta property="og:title" content=""> with your application title in the title and content attribute.
  • Adapt the <meta title="">, <meta property="og:title" content=""> with your application title in the title and content attribute.
  • Adapt the <meta name="description" content="">, <meta property="og:description content=""> with your application title in the title and content attribute.

In the app.manifest.json:

  • Adapt the "name": "" (max. of 45 characters) with a human-readable name of your application.
  • It is the primary identifier of the app and displayed everytime the name of the application is shown and enough space is given.
  • Adapt the "short_name": "" (max. of 12 characters recommended) with a short version of the human-readable name of your application.
  • It is a short version of the app's name and is displayed where not enough space for the full name, such as: app launcher, new tab page in chrome

For more information about the app.manifest.json you can read under

Not for using the activities embedded

To ensure a uniform and responsive design activities should occupy 100% width of the window when the activities width are under 768 px.