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Stored data

Currently in development

This bundle is currently in development, thus not everything may work as explained here.


Below a table is provided with all the fields that are stored in the SQL table for blob

Field Required (not nullable) Type Description Max. length
identifier Yes string An unique identifier of the resource, implemented using a UUID 128
prefix Yes (at least empty string) string The prefix assigned to the resource 512
file_name Yes (at least empty string) string The original file name given when uploading the file 512
bucket_id Yes string The bucketID of the bucket in which the resource is stored 50
date_created Yes datetime_immutable The date the resource was created in blob stored as a datetime immutable -
date_accessed Yes datetime_immutable The date the resource was last access in blob stored as a datetime immutable -
date_modified Yes datetime_immutable The date the resource was last modified in blob stored as a datetime immutable -
metadata No JSON Metadata the user can provide - (1 GB)
type No text (Document / File) Type the user can provide - (65535 bytes)
mime_type Yes (at least empty string) string The mime type of the provided file 255
exists_until Yes datetime_immutable The date the resource will expire and be deleted from blob as a datetime immutable -
file_size Yes integer The size of the file in byte -
notify_email Yes (at least empty string) string The email of someone who should get notified before the resource is deleted 255