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For efficient data exchange between CAMPUSonline and the CAMPUSonline connector, the connector uses a custom created API which allows us to sync changes incrementally. There is no way to detect removed entries incrementally, so a full sync is still needed from time to time.

The CO API provides information about students, their studies, and applications, which we convert into a list of students with embedded studies and applications:

classDiagram University --* "0..*" Student Student --* "0..*" Study Student --* "0..*" Application Application --> "0..1" Study

TODO: Add instructions for how to configure/setup the API in CAMPUSonline.

These show-* commands print a table of a particular student, their studies, or their application. The format is the one returned by the CAMPUSonline API as is.

dbp:relay:cabinet-connector-campusonline:show-applications  Show applications of a student
dbp:relay:cabinet-connector-campusonline:show-student       Show student data for an obfuscated ID
dbp:relay:cabinet-connector-campusonline:show-studies       Show studies for an obfuscated ID

General API

Input query parameters:

  • StPersonNr (optional): The person number of the student, to fetch only records for this student
  • LastSyncDate (optional): Time of the last sync to get an incremental update, format DD.MM.YYYYTHH:MI:SS (Timezone is the CO server timezone)
  • PageNr (optional): The page number to fetch
  • PageSize (optional): The number of entries per page, 20000 is a good default, depending on the server configuration.


  • SOURCE: Starts with LiveSync if the entry is live from the real DB and not from a view. Results can have a mix of different sources.
  • TIMESTAMP: The timestamp when the entry was read from the live DB, format DD.MM.YYYYTHH:MI:SS (Timezone is the CO server timezone)

Students API

URL: <co>/pl/rest/loc_api-dms.dmsstudents

Additional input query parameters:

  • IdentNrObfuscated (optional): The obfuscated identification number of the student, to fetch only one record for this student
  • SyncOnlyInactive (optional): If set to YES, only inactive students are returned. By default only active students are returned

Studies API

URL: <co>/pl/rest/loc_api-dms.dmsstudies

  • StStudiumNr (optional): The obfuscated identification number of the student, to fetch only one record for this student
  • SyncOnlyInactive (optional): If set to YES, only inactive studies are returned. By default only active studies are returned.

Applications API

URL: <co>/pl/rest/loc_api-dms.dmsapplicants

  • StStudiumNr (optional): The obfuscated identification number of the student, to fetch only one record for this student

Syncing Strategy used by the Connector

We use a combination of full and incremental syncs to keep the data up to date. The API doesn't provide a way to detect removed entries and doesn't provide incremental changes for inactive entries, so we need to do a full sync once in a while (for example once every night).

First we sync all the data paginated.

  • Sync all active students
  • Sync all inactive students
  • Sync all active studies
  • Sync all inactive studies
  • Sync all active applications

For the active students we remember the timestamp of any entry that is returned that has not "SOURCE" starting with "LiveSync". Since the active result can also contain live entries for entries that got added since the last view was created or they moved active to inactive, and we need to ignore those.

Then we sync the changes incrementally:

  • Sync all active students with LastSyncDate=timestamp
  • Sync all studies for the changed students
  • Sync all applications for the changed students

We remember again the timestamp of any entry that is returned that has not "SOURCE" starting with "LiveSync" for the next sync. For all live entries we get back, we store them with their timestamp, since they could be newer then future view results. We remove them once the non-live view results have a newer timestamp.

In case too many active students have changed, we fall back to a full sync.

To test the sync you can use the sync command which fetches all students and converts them to JSON, but only prints a short summary and no JSON data. It stores the sync cursor in the local cache, so the next sync will be incremental, unless --full is passed.

dbp:relay:cabinet-connector-campusonline:sync               Run a sync

Single Student Sync

We simply fetch the student with the given StPersonNr and IdentNrObfuscated and the related studies and applications. We store the (live) student entries for the next incremental sync, so any view results that are older then the live results are ignored and we don't "go back in time".

To test the sync you can use the sync-one command which will print all related data for a particular student as JSON. This is the format used which is forwarded to the dbp/relay-cabinet-bundle.

dbp:relay:cabinet-connector-campusonline:sync-one           Show JSON for an obfuscated ID


What are active and inactive students?

This is just a way to partition the data into two groups to limit the incremental sync to students which are more likely to change. Active students currently are students that are not exmatriculated, but it's up to the CO API to decide.

How long until changes in CO are visible via the connector?

Up to 15 minutes (the material view interval on the CO side) + the interval configured in the connector bundle for incremental syncs. In case of new students and students that moved from active to inactive we get the data right away, so only the bundle sync interval applies. Changes to inactive students will only be visible after the next full sync.