Bundle Configuration
Created via ./bin/console config:dump-reference dbp_relay_cabinet_connector_campusonline | sed '/^$/d'
# Default configuration for extension with alias: "dbp_relay_cabinet_connector_campusonline"
# The base URL of the CO instance
api_url: ~ # Required, Example: 'https://online.mycampus.org/campus_online'
# The time zone of the CO instance, used for timestamp conversion
api_time_zone: Europe/Vienna # Example: Europe/Vienna
# The OAuth2 client ID
client_id: ~ # Required, Example: my-client
# The OAuth2 client secret
client_secret: ~ # Required, Example: my-secret
# The data service name for the Student CO API
data_service_name_students: ~ # Required, Example: loc_api-dms.dmsstudents
# The data service name for the Studies CO API
data_service_name_studies: ~ # Required, Example: loc_api-dms.dmsstudies
# The data service name for the Applications CO API
data_service_name_applications: ~ # Required, Example: loc_api-dms.dmsapplicants
# The page size used for CO requests
page_size: 20000
# Set to exclude inactive students and studies (useful for testing with less data)
exclude_inactive: false # Example: 'true'
# Enable caching for easier development
cache: false # Example: 'true'
needs to be adjusted depending on the server/database performance and for the CO reverse proxy timeout configured. The time it takes to fetch a page also scales with the number of total entries, so in case the server is slow there might not be a page size that works reliably. -
is used to convert local time returned by the CO API to a timezone aware date time. If the time zone is not correct and does not match the CO time zone then timestamps returned to cabinet will be wrong, the sync itself will still work though. -
are only useful for testing and development and should not be used in production.