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Provided Student Data

The CO connector returns the following data structure. One entry is one student with embedded studies and applications. Object fields are always present, but can be null if the value is not available. Array fields are always present, but can be empty.

Dummy example response with all fields present (the values are all made up):

There is currently no documentation on the meaning of the fields and the possible values. Please see the source for more info.

  "academicTitleFollowing": "Bsc",
  "academicTitlePreceding": "Ing.",
  "admissionQualificationState": {
    "alpha3Code": "BIH",
    "key": "40",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Bosnien und Herzegowina",
      "en": "Bosnia & Herzegovina"
  "admissionQualificationType": {
    "key": "02",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Humanistisches Gymnasium",
      "en": "Humanistisches Gymnasium"
  "applications": [
      "id": "12345",
      "qualificationCertificateDate": "1970-01-01",
      "qualificationIssuingCountry": {
        "alpha3Code": "AUT",
        "key": "168",
        "translations": {
          "de": "Österreich",
          "en": "Austria"
      "qualificationType": {
        "key": "25",
        "translations": {
          "de": "ausländische Reifeprüfung",
          "en": "foreign secondary school leaving exam"
      "startSemester": "21W",
      "studentPersonId": "123456",
      "studyId": "253324",
      "studyKey": "UF 033 678",
      "studyName": "Bachelorstudium; Physik",
      "studyType": "Bachelorstudium"
  "birthDate": "1970-01-01",
  "emailAddressConfirmed": "",
  "emailAddressTemporary": "",
  "emailAddressUniversity": "",
  "exmatriculationDate": "2023-10-31",
  "exmatriculationSemester": "23W",
  "exmatriculationStatus": {
    "key": "EZ",
    "translations": {
      "de": "ex lege (EZ)",
      "en": "ex lege (EZ)"
  "familyName": "Mustermann",
  "formerFamilyName": "Normalverbraucher",
  "gender": {
    "key": "M",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Männlich",
      "en": "male"
  "givenName": "Max",
  "homeAddressCountry": {
    "alpha3Code": "EGY",
    "key": "11",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Ägypten",
      "en": "Egypt"
  "homeAddressNote": "c/o Erika Mustermann",
  "homeAddressPlace": "Altenmarkt bei Sankt Gallen",
  "homeAddressPostCode": "8934",
  "homeAddressRegion": "Wien",
  "homeAddressStreet": "Hauptstraße 34",
  "homeAddressTelephoneNumber": "067612345678",
  "id": "123123",
  "identNumberObfuscated": "F06BCC80D6FC0BDE575B16FB2E3790D5",
  "immatriculationDate": "2010-12-24",
  "immatriculationSemester": "21W",
  "nationality": {
    "alpha3Code": "EGY",
    "key": "11",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Ägypten",
      "en": "Egypt"
  "nationalitySecondary": {
    "alpha3Code": "AUT",
    "key": "168",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Österreich",
      "en": "Austria"
  "note": "some note",
  "personalStatus": {
    "key": "Voranmeldung",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Voranmeldung",
      "en": "pre-registration"
  "schoolCertificateDate": "2010-12-24",
  "sectorSpecificPersonalIdentifier": "Kxl/ufp/HOufd8y/+3n6qZ1Cn7E=",
  "socialSecurityNumber": "1223010170",
  "studentId": "00712345",
  "studentStatus": {
    "key": "E",
    "translations": {
      "de": "nicht zugelassen",
      "en": "not admitted"
  "studies": [
      "additionalCertificates": [
          "key": "EDG",
          "translations": {
            "de": "Erg.Prfg. - Darstellende Geometrie",
            "en": "suppl.exam. - Descriptive Geometry"
          "key": "EGR",
          "translations": {
            "de": "Erg.Prfg. - Griechisch",
            "en": "suppl.exam. - Greek"
      "curriculumVersion": "2022W",
      "exmatriculationDate": "2022-01-01",
      "exmatriculationSemester": "24S",
      "exmatriculationType": {
        "key": "EZ",
        "translations": {
          "de": "ex lege (EZ)",
          "en": "ex lege (EZ)"
      "id": "253324",
      "immatriculationDate": "2021-01-01",
      "immatriculationSemester": "20S",
      "key": "UF 066 921",
      "name": "Masterstudium; Computer Science",
      "qualificationDate": "2010-01-01",
      "qualificationState": {
        "alpha3Code": "AUT",
        "key": "168",
        "translations": {
          "de": "Österreich",
          "en": "Austria"
      "qualificationType": {
        "key": "41",
        "translations": {
          "de": "Master-/Diplomst.eigene Univ.",
          "en": "Master/ Diploma study programme at own university"
      "semester": 6,
      "status": {
        "key": "I",
        "translations": {
          "de": "gemeldet",
          "en": "gemeldet"
      "studentPersonId": "123456",
      "type": "Masterstudium",
      "webUrl": ""
  "studyAddressCountry": {
    "alpha3Code": "EGY",
    "key": "11",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Ägypten",
      "en": "Egypt"
  "studyAddressNote": "c/o Erika Mustermann",
  "studyAddressPlace": "Waizenkirchen",
  "studyAddressPostCode": "4730",
  "studyAddressRegion": "Steiermark",
  "studyAddressStreet": "Hauptstraße 42",
  "studyAddressTelephoneNumber": "067612345676",
  "studyLimitEndSemester": "24S",
  "studyLimitStartSemester": "23W",
  "syncDateTime": "2024-06-13T11:01:15+00:00",
  "telephoneNumber": "067612345677",
  "tuitionExemptionType": "L Lehrgang",
  "tuitionStatus": "Ausländer gleichgestellt",
  "webUrl": ""

Enumerated Values / Translations

As seen in the example above, enums come in the form of:

  "myField": {
    "key": "42",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Deutsch",
      "en": "English"

Where "key" is a unique value, and the translations objects contains the translated text value for that key. The text representations and translations are partly hard-coded in the source code and need to be kept in sync with CO. In case a value is not known a text value of the following form will be generated:

  "myField": {
    "key": "42",
    "translations": {
      "de": "42 (Unbekannter Wert)",
      "en": "42 (unknown value)"

In some cases the APIs return German text in addition to the key, in which case we will fall back to that if the key is not known.

  "myField": {
    "key": "42",
    "translations": {
      "de": "Deutsch",
      "en": "42 (unknown value)"

Known/Potential issues:

  • For some fields the API doesn't provide a unique key ("personalStatus" for example), in which case we simply use the German text as the key. This means the key might not be stable and could change in the future.
  • For some other fields ("tuitionExemptionType" for example) we currently don't know the possible range of values and their textual representation which is why they are currently just simple text fields and not enums. This might change in the future.
  • It's not clear which keys are generally available in every CO instance and which are custom to the specific installation for every fields. We currently assume that all keys are available in every CO instance.