Bundle Configuration
Created via ./bin/console config:dump-reference DbpRelayDispatchBundle | sed '/^$/d'
# Default configuration for "DbpRelayDispatchBundle"
# The database DSN
database_url: ~ # Required
# The base URL for the SOAP service of the dual delivery service provider
service_url: ~ # Required
# The sender profile identifier, as specified/required by your service provider
sender_profile: ~ # Required
# The sender profile version, as specified/required by your service provider
sender_profile_version: ~ # Required
# The client certificate in PEM format
cert: ~
# The password of the client certificate
cert_password: ~
# The way files are persisted. Can be "database" or "blob". Defaults to "database"
file_storage: database
# Base URL for blob storage API
blob_base_url: ~
# Bucket id for blob storage
blob_bucket_id: ~
# Secret key for blob storage
blob_key: ~
# Identity provider base URL for blob storage API
blob_idp_url: ~
# Identity provider client id for blob storage
blob_oauth_client_id: ~
# Identity provider client secret for corresponding client id
blob_oauth_client_secret: ~
iri_template: /base/organizations/%s
street: streetAddress
locality: addressLocality
postal_code: postalCode
country: addressCountry
policies: []
# Returns true if the user is allowed to use the dispatch API.
ROLE_USER: 'false'
# Returns true if the user has read access for the given group, limited to metadata.
# Returns true if the user has read access for the given group, including delivery content. Implies the metadata reader role.
# Returns true if the user has write access for the given group. Implies all reader roles.
# Returns true if the user has write access for the given group and can read recipient addresses. Implies all reader/writer roles.
# Returns an array of available group IDs.
GROUPS: '[]'
Client Certificate Tips
In case the "Dual Delivery" service provider requires a client certificate the cert
and cert_password
can be set. cert
is the certificate in the PEM
In case the certificate is provided to you in the pkcs12
format, usually a file ending with the .p12
extension you can convert it to PEM
using openssl:
# Convert p12 file to pem (in case the algorithm is outdated you might have to pass "-legacy")
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -out cert.pem -clcerts
To put this PEM
value into the Symfony dotenv config or the Symfony secrets store it's easiest to convert it to base64 and decode it again in the dispatch bundle config:
# base64 encode PEM
base64 -w 0 < cert.pem > cert.pem.base64
# set secret for the .env file
php bin/console secrets:set DISPATCH_CERT cert.pem.base64
# in the config file base64 decode again:
# dbp_relay_dispatch:
# cert: '%env(base64:DISPATCH_CERT)%'