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graph TD style esign_bundle fill:#606096,color:#fff a_trust("A-Trust") pdf_as("PDF-AS") moa_spss("MOA-SPSS") subgraph API Gateway api(("API")) core_bundle("Core Bundle") esign_bundle("ESign Bundle") end pdf_as --> a_trust moa_spss --> a_trust api --> core_bundle api --> esign_bundle esign_bundle --> core_bundle esign_bundle --> pdf_as esign_bundle --> moa_spss click a_trust "" click pdf_as "./#pdf-as" "by EGIZ"

The electronic signature bundle provides an API for interacting with multiple pdf-as and moa-ssp servers and allows singing and signature verification of PDF files using PAdES.

Compared to using PDF-AS/MOA-SPSS directly it adds authentication/authorization and a simplified REST API for the following three flows:

  • Advanced signature flow: Synchronously sign PDF file using certificates on the pdf-as server
  • Qualified signature flow: Asynchronously sign a PDF using
  • (work in progress) Signature verification flow: Verify the integrity and trust chain of a PDF using moa-spss

The following diagram shows the systems involved in signature creation and verification for all provided flows:

graph TD User --> |uses|APP APP --> |talks to|DBP-API DBP-API --> |sign|PDF-AS DBP-API --> |verify|MOA-SPSS PDF-AS --> |sign|HANDY[] User --> |tan|HANDY APP --> |embeds|HANDY

Installation Requirements

  • PDF-AS 4.1.5+ as a backend server


PDF-AS by EGIZ is used to sign documents.
