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Running in Production

When moving your API into production some extra steps have to be taken:

Initial Server Setup

For handling asynchronous and background tasks we need to set up a cron entry for regular cleanup as well as supervisor for handling queued tasks.

Set up the following cron job to be executed every 5 minutes:

*/5 * * * * php /srv/api/bin/console dbp:relay:core:cron

Set up the following supervisor job which runs continuously in the background handling various tasks:

php /srv/api/bin/console dbp:relay:core:queue:work my-worker-01

See 'Queued Tasks' for a recommended supervisor configuration.

In case your API runs on multiple servers you also have to provide a central locking backend, see 'Locks' for how to configure it.

Disabling Debug Mode and setting an App Secret

By default debugging and the development configuration is enabled which is not suitable for production use (security leaks and performance issues). In addition you need to set APP_SECRET which is used to add entropy to various things and encrypt cookies etc. You need to make sure that that the following is set in your .env.local:


You can generate a suitable random string via

php -r 'echo bin2hex(random_bytes(20))."\n";'

On Every Deployment

  • composer install --no-dev --classmap-authoritative to install only non-dev dependencies and optimize the class loader for static sources.

  • composer dump-env prod to write out a .env.local.php file constructed from the .env file and the .env.local file. This avoids parsing the .env files in the future.

  • php bin/console cache:clear to clear the cache and warm it up again

  • (optional) php bin/console dbp:relay:core:queue:restart in case you have workers running (via supervisor) they need to be stopped, so the next task they execute uses the newly deployed code.

  • (optional) Use cachetool to clear the opcache. This is required if you use php-fpm and don't restart it between deployments.