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For logging simply inject the logging service via the LoggerInterface interface and start using it.

See for details.

Log Context & Masking

By default the core bundle injects a global logging processor that:

  • Adds various helpful context to each logging record, like the session id, the request id, the route etc.
  • Masks certain values that should not end up in the logs, like the currently logged in user.

Registering a new Logging Channel

In case you want to log data that should be handled differently compared to all other logs, like filtering at a different logging level, or the logs should be written to different backend you can register a new logging channel in your bundle.

Use registerLoggingChannel() to register a new logging channel:

// In *Extension.php, using the ExtensionTrait
public function prepend(ContainerBuilder $container)
    $this->registerLoggingChannel($container, 'mychannel', /* $mask= */ true);
    // ...

The second parameter allows you to disable log masking for that channel, in case you want to make sure that the logs don't get altered/cleaned up in any way.

To use the new channel in your service you can then inject it via auto wiring, a method, or the constructor for example:

    - { name: monolog.logger, channel: 'mychannel' }

    - setAuditLogger: ['@monolog.logger.mychannel']

    $auditLogger: '@monolog.logger.mychannel'