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Gateway Configuration

The source of all configuration is the .env file in the root directory which looks like this:

###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
###< symfony/framework-bundle ###

It sets environment variables which are then used in the bundle configuration files under config/packages.

In addition you can create a .env.local file which the API gateway will combine with the .envfile. There you can include secrets which will not be checked into source control.

For more details on the different .env files, see Configuring Symfony

The .env Syntax

The .env files syntax is a subset of POSIX SHELL syntax. Here are some tips and tricks for how to handle value corner cases:

# In case there are no special characters this is fine

# Quote with " when the value includes spaces
SOME_KEY="foo bar"

# Escape " with \

# Escape $ with \ as well

# When credentials are part of an URL they need to be URL escaped
# For example "$secret" -> "%24ecret"

# A value that spans multiple lines

To help with converting values to the right format, here are some Javascript helpers for

  • converting any text to a quoted value suitable for a .env file: Quote Text
  • converting any text to a value suitable for including it in an URL: URL Escape

For more info on the syntax see .env File Syntax

Bundle Configuration

Each bundle can be configured via a bundle configuration yaml file which lives under config/packages.

For example the dbp_relay_core.yaml:

  build_info: '%env(CORE_API_BUILDINFO)%'
  build_info_url: '%env(CORE_API_BUILDINFO_URL)%'
  docs_title: 'API Gateway'
  docs_description: '*powered by the Relay API gateway - part of the [Digital Blueprint]( project*'
  queue_dsn: 'doctrine://queue_connection'
  lock_dsn: '%env(CORE_LOCK_DSN)%'

You can either change the config in there directly or reference environment variables that are set in the .env or .env.local file.

Using environment variables is preferred for things that depend on your deployment environment, such as URLs, hostnames, and secrets. This allows you to provide one .env.local on the server with all the configuration matching your deployment environment and also means everything that can/should be changed is managed in one place.

Core Bundle Configuration

Created via ./bin/console config:dump-reference DbpRelayCoreBundle | sed '/^$/d'

# Default configuration for "DbpRelayCoreBundle"
    # Some string identifying the current build (commit hash)
    build_info:           ~ # Example: deadbeef
    # Some URL identifying the current build (URL to the commit on some git web interface)
    build_info_url:       ~ # Example: ''
    # Path to the logo (256x256) of the API frontend
    logo_path:            ~ # Example: 'bundles/dbprelaycore/logo.png'
    # The title text of the API docs page
    docs_title:           'Relay API Gateway'
    # The description text of the API docs page (supports markdown)
    docs_description:     '*part of the [Digital Blueprint]( project*'
    messenger_transport_dsn: '' # Deprecated (Since dbp/relay-core-bundle 0.1.20: Use "queue_dsn" instead.)
    # See
    queue_dsn:            '' # Example: 'redis://localhost:6379'
    lock_dsn:             '' # Example: 'redis://redis:6379'