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Creating APIs

You can add new APIs by registering api-platform entities or registering Symfony routes. The former will end up in the auto-generated API docs, the later can be used for internal/special APIs, if required.

See for how to work with the api-platform provided ApiResource.

Registering API Resources

Use addResourceClassDirectory() to register a directory with API-Platform entities which are annotated with APIResource.

// In *Extension.php, using the ExtensionTrait
public function loadInternal(array $mergedConfig, ContainerBuilder $container)
    $this->addResourceClassDirectory($container, __DIR__.'/../Entity');
    // ...

If you want to hide certain operations from the API docs because the resource is internal, or an operation can't be implemented but is required by API-Platform then you can hide it via:

public function loadInternal(array $mergedConfig, ContainerBuilder $container)
    $this->addPathToHide($container, '/checkin/check-in-actions/{identifier}');
    // ...

You can get a list of all paths via ./bin/console debug:router

Registering a Symfony Route Configuration

If you have a Symfony route that you can to register:

// In *Extension.php, using the ExtensionTrait
public function loadInternal(array $mergedConfig, ContainerBuilder $container)
    $this->addRouteResource($container, __DIR__.'/../Resources/config/routes.yaml', 'yaml');
    // ...