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API Returns Description
deleteFileByIdentifier(string $identifier) void Deletes the blob fileData with the given blob identifier
deleteFilesByPrefix(string $prefix) void Deletes the blob fileDatas that have the given blob prefix
getFileDataByIdentifier(string $identifier, int $includeData = 1) array Returns the whole FileData with the given blob identifier. If $includeData=1, then the contentUrl contains the base64 encoded binary file.
getFileDataByPrefix(string $prefix, int $includeData = 1) array Returns a collection of FileDatas that were found in the given prefix. If $includeData=1, then the contentUrl contains the base64 encoded binary file.
downloadFileAsContentUrlByIdentifier(string $identifier) string Returns the base64 encoded fileData with the given blob identifier
uploadFile(string $prefix, string $fileName, string $fileData, string $additionalMetadata = '', string $additionalType = '') string Uploads the given $fileData and associates the given data $prefix, $fileName, $additionalMetadata and $additionalType to it.
patchFileByIdentifier(string $identifier, string $fileName = '', string $additionalMetadata = '', string $additionalType = '') string Puts given fileName, additionalMetadata and additionalType into the blob resource with the given identifier. Returns the identifier of the blob resource
setOAuth2Token($oauthIDPUrl, $clientID, $clientSecret) string Gets an OAuth2 Token from the given IDP and sets it in future requests